IPFS Cluster is an open source project in the IPFS ecosystem stewarded by Protocol Labs.
Users of the project can expect:
- Ongoing releases and bug fixes.
- New functionality, usually focused on unlocking additional scalability of the clusters.
- Support over the common channels and issue triage.
- Dependency upgrades, compatibility and features from the IPFS and libp2p downstreams.
The following represent “larger endaevors” that are in our radar:
- In progress: Full and officially-vetted Kubernetes support.
- Upcoming: Fully embedded IPFS peer in the IPFS Cluster daemon.
- Optimistic replication: allow cluster peers to decide what content they back rather than defining allocations.
- DAG Sharding support: distributing large DAGs across multiple peers. Ongoing effort but lacking go-ipfs support for depth-limited pins.
- Additional chunking/sharding/encoding strategies. FEC support.
- Cluster-controlled MFS.
- Done! Improve the metrics exporting system (i.e. Prometheus) with new metrics.
- Done! RPC streaming improvements (primarily affects speeding up adding content to many cluster nodes at once).
- Done! Exploring support for a more allocation strategies e.g. by geographic location or as a function of access patterns.
- Done! IPFS Pinning API support.